centre of excellence for women’s health
A Mustard Seed of Hope
Design Layout | Illustrations | Icons
This booklet on culturally grounded approaches within wraparound programs for all audiences was produced through the Co-Creating Evidence Project and The Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health. A Mustard Seed of Hope: Culturally grounded approaches within wraparound care for pregnant and parenting women dealing with substance use and trauma is a Thank You to all the women who access these programs and the staff who care for them, supporting their healing journey. It describes the Indigenous cultural services provided by these programs, to honour this work and to inspire others who provide community-based programming in their work.
To view the whole booklet please go to Co-Creating Evidence Evaluation Project.
Report Layout | Icons | Infographics
In 2020, the Indigenous Music Alliance created the National Indigenous Music Advisory to assist in the development of a National Indigenous Music Organization (NIMO). A national engagement process was launched in 2021 to gather community input around a mandate and governance structure for a NIMO.
The community engagements revealed overwhelming support for the development of a NIMO that would allow for the advocacy, capacity building, and development of relationships needed to grow the industry for Indigenous musicians, as well as establish the foundations for Indigenous music sovereignty, and Indigenous protocols to be used in the industry. The NIMO will play a leadership role in helping to develop a collective narrative, and serve as a unified voice for national events, consultations, and policy development for Indigenous artists.

CK Progress Report
Report Layout | Icons | Infographics
CK Progress Report
Creative Kids connects children and youth to unique, life-changing artistic and cultural experiences in their community. We provide financial support to Saskatchewan families so all kids have an opportunity to participate in creative activities like drama, art, dance, heritage, and music. To learn more about Creative Kids visit their website at: https://creativekidssask.ca/
The Creative Kids approached us with the theme of “Keeping on Growing, Keep on Participating in Creative Activities”. The asked for the visual theme of Spring and to include images of flowers, butterflies, dragonflies, along with images that represent their 5 pillars of art, music, drama, dance and cultural activities.
They wanted the style of the report to not be too childish and have a more mature and sophisticated but youthful vibe. We accomplished this by designing layered cut out graphics with a youthful colour palette.

stops to violence
Getting Out Booklet
Report Layout | Icons | Infographics | Photography
Getting Out: A Process Learned from the Courage & Wisdom of Survivors, was initially spearheaded by STOPS to Violence and dedicated to those who share the experience, strength, and wisdom they gain from leaving an abusive situation and to those still living in dangerous relationships. This guide was created through a series of consultations across Saskatchewan with people who represent the diversity of our province. It is based on the experiences of people who have left violent and abusive relationships and are now living violence-free lives, and the knowledge of those who provide support and services to people dealing with abuse and violence in their lives.
This guide is offered with respect and humility to honour those who have shared their personal experience, wisdom, and courage, and those who work every day to support people in our communities to find their strength to heal and build healthy, resilient lives for themselves and their families.
The Getting Out Guide will help you identify the signs of an abusive relationship and how to leave a dangerous situation. The Safety Planner offers guidance on what to take with you, where you can go, and who you can contact for help.
National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence
Stepping Stones: Financial Skills and Literacy Workbook
Report Layout | Icons | Infographics | Photography
Everyone deserves a life free from violence and humiliation. Stepping Stones to Self- Sufficiency is a financial skills and literacy guide to learn how to manage money, which helps the reader leave behind a life of abuse. Financial skills can be like stepping stones to a life of dignity and contentment. The workbook encourages the reader to make changes about their ability to learn and manage money, develop healthy attitudes towards money and learn from Indigenous women who have been there and have moved forward.